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Spiritual Awakening and the Freedom To Choose

Updated on May 15, 2017

The Truth

The truth stands alone and needs no defense, finding it is another matter entirely.
The truth stands alone and needs no defense, finding it is another matter entirely. | Source

Spiritual Awakening

Three frogs are sitting on a log and one decides to jump, how many are left?


The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions.

Making the commitment to change is the easy part, taking the action to change takes courage and commitment. In this article Spiritual Awakening and the Freedom to Choose I will discuss the facts one learns when they find the courage to change the course of their life and begin the journey of self discovery, truth and enlightenment.

Ultimately one learns that our lives our not our own, that we are merely actors on the World Stage here to play a role for the enlightenment of others. However before we discover this truth, we can only see life from our own perspective.

Make no mistake the road to this simple truth is painful, full of obstacles and once you begin you can never go back to being the person you were before you began. They say ignorance is bliss and from my own perspective I can say that I agree whole heartedly. I was advised to think long and hard about whether or not I wanted to become truly enlightened, that the truth can be a very powerful feeling but that once you discover it you can't undo the knowledge of it.

I didn't heed this warning and pushed naively to begin my journey.

I was told in no uncertain terms that I would be guided to the truth but ultimately I must decide for myself what to believe. At the time I didn't understand why this would be necessary, why not just tell me or give me the information I sought?

The reason of course is that the truth is so incredibly fantastic that no one ever contemplates it or can imagine it. People don't blindly stumble on it like lost treasure, it isn't whispered in your ear like in the movies, you don't just suddenly wake up one morning and realize it, you have to seek it.

You have to seek it with an open mind, you have to be willing to cast aside everything you have ever learned in school, you have to look for it from every angle possible and even when you think you have found it, then you have to dig even deeper.

3 Frogs

Decided to change your life is the easy part, taking the action requires commitment and perseverance.
Decided to change your life is the easy part, taking the action requires commitment and perseverance. | Source

The Truth

The truth can be elusive, very few people are even willing to discuss it, almost everyone avoids it and hides from it but let me assure you it stands alone and cannot be changed. The only thing that can be changed is how you choose to perceive it.

People, Governments, Institutions and even Religions will try to protect you from it by not revealing it to you. History has shown that you will be offered one version of it, in the form of books, movies and even the News Media. Educators will give you just enough of it so that you will believe their version of it and not look for it for yourself. Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers, Salesmen and Politicians will distort it so that you buy the version they are selling you.

Those that claim spiritual enlightenment will alter it to fit their own beliefs and sell it to you as the divine truth.

Even your own Mother has kept it from you, so don't ever believe anyone has an absolute claim on the truth.

To find the truth we must learn to 'think' with our heart, this takes practice and a willingness to listen with an open mind, while observing the synchronicity in our daily lives. We must cast aside any preconceived notions about what we have been taught is the truth and begin to look for it from a different angle.

We must embrace an almost childlike wonder for learning by seeking to open our minds to new ideas and concepts. We must not judge the messenger but rather listen intently to the message, honestly. This means that when we are learning new ideas or even old ones we must focus on the information, without distraction.

All that being said there is one place you can go to find it, In your heart!

Having a Spiritual Awakening and the Freedom to Choose is the key to unlocking the truth and learning to 'think' with your heart.

Learning to 'think' with your Heart

Learning to think with your heart takes practice and a willingness to listen.
Learning to think with your heart takes practice and a willingness to listen. | Source

Pineal Organ

Although not part of the brain blood barrier this organ sends visual messages to our consciousness in the form of dreams, imagination and spiritual enlightenment.
Although not part of the brain blood barrier this organ sends visual messages to our consciousness in the form of dreams, imagination and spiritual enlightenment. | Source

The Heart

Your heart knows the truth beyond any doubt but because humanity has been conditioned to think with their minds, their logic, their reason, very few people recognize this.

Learning to 'think' with your heart takes practice and commitment. I only began practicing this method after I began my journey on the road to the truth.

In the beginning I still tried to use logic and reason to decipher the truth and found myself going around in circles. What lead me to begin thinking with my heart was after talking to a Judge and asking him how he decides the truth when there is no evidence only opinions.

He said "That ultimately you have to decide based on what your heart tells you is the truth."

After I began using this method I was still not convinced but over time I realized that my heart was always right. Now don't get me wrong, many times my own bias interfered with my willingness to accept the truth. However once you begin to recognize that your own mind is trying to protect your ego from learning the truth, then you begin to realize how humanity has been deceived for so long. Having a Spiritual Awakening and the Freedom to Choose is what will lead most people to enlightenment and eventually learning to 'think' with their heart.

One of the best tools to help anyone attempting to 'think' with their heart is to unlock the powers associated with the Pineal Gland. This little known, all important organ located just outside the brain blood barrier, is the key to unlocking and gaining access to information that has been systematically denied to us through conditioning, education and the introduction of fluoride into our drinking water.

Make no mistake fluoride in our drinking water provides The Powers That Be with two very important ways of limiting our spiritually evolution and denying us access too the truth. One it is a great masking agent for other chemicals that are currently in our drinking water and two it calcifies our Pineal Gland, limiting its ability to function as God intended it too.

The Pineal Gland can be nurtured through breathing exercises used in meditation. Breathe in through your nose while meditating but as you exhale through your mouth hold your tongue to the roof of your mouth, use this method and you will feel instant results.

Learning to think with your heart will provide you with many answers and one of the ways I do this is by practicing a simple method. When confronted with information that requires faith to accept I will simply ask my higher self to communicate with my conscious mind the truth of the information and then sit back and pay attention to the synchronicity that follows in my daily life.

Let me tell you will be amazed at how efficient this simple method is. When you are going about your daily life with the question in the back of your consciousness, if what your thinking about is correct (pertaining to the question) you will begin to see synchronicity in the form of say a clock that reads 1:11 or favorable outcomes to daily problems, or hitting every green light while driving, or positive reactions by people around you.

If what your thinking is incorrect, you will stub your toe, or bump your head, or become frustrated with trying to solve a problem or your computer will not function properly, or people will seem negative or you may be guided toward the correct answer through symbols you see.

Once you begin practicing this method and paying attention you will stop believing in coincidences because too many odd occurrences will happen to you over and over again to be anything more than messages from the Source Field.

Learning that I could be happy and wrong at the same time developed peace and harmony in my soul. I developed an attitude towards discovering new knowledge without fear or anxiety.
Learning that I could be happy and wrong at the same time developed peace and harmony in my soul. I developed an attitude towards discovering new knowledge without fear or anxiety. | Source

The Pineal Gland

The Pineal Gland is often described as the God Organ and although 'science' pretends not to understand its purpose the truth is that it is well understood but The Powers That Be on this planet have censored much of the information surrounding this mysterious organ.

This is because, when we begin the practice of using this organ on a daily basis, it will lead us back too being able to understand the true nature of humanity. The Powers That Be fear this because it will provide us with the truth of our existence, our purpose on this planet and in this Galaxy and will unlock many unanswered questions that have remained censored from our education.

When this happens they will no longer be able to exercise the current control paradigm they enjoy and Governments, Institutions and Power Structures will become a distant memory.

When we learn to harvest the powers that this organ provides to us, it will add the all important sixth sense that has been systematically denied to us through conditioning, censorship and lack of practice.

Our ancient ancestors understood the importance of this organ and used it to communicate telepathically with each other, access other dimensions of reality, astral project on a daily bases and travel the stars to distant planets to communicate with our star brothers and sisters.

Once we begin the process of nurturing and using this all important sense, we will have undeniable access to the truth and deception will no longer exist in its current form. We will no longer be able to hide the truth or deceive each other and will have access to our complete history without outside interference or interpretation.

Using this organ on a daily basis provided the ancient cultures Atlantis and Lemuria to achieve such a high degree of spiritual sophistication, technology, architecture and communication and is one of the main reasons their culture existed for more than 4 million years. The activation and continued use of this organ is what will provide the current civilization with the needed information to move to the next evolutionary step.

As a matter of fact I believe it was activated by Adam & Eve through the 'talking snake' or Serpent of Light, when their individual Kundalini was awakened leading to them being exiled from the Garden of Eden. However that is an entirely different story and would require an entire Hub article to explain. Suffice to say according to Universal Law they were supposed to achieve this accomplishment on their own through their own spiritual awakening and breaking this law is what got them expelled.

Learning to develop a closer conscious contact with a Higher Power will allow you to develop faith, which is an essential ingredient to keeping and open mind and accepting the power of prayer.
Learning to develop a closer conscious contact with a Higher Power will allow you to develop faith, which is an essential ingredient to keeping and open mind and accepting the power of prayer. | Source

Life of Pi

The movie the Life of Pi is a story about how the mind will protect the ego from insanity by creating an illusion it can handle.
The movie the Life of Pi is a story about how the mind will protect the ego from insanity by creating an illusion it can handle. | Source

Your Ego

Your ego is created from your experiences as a tool to protect your mind from the emotions you feel. Your ego (Edging God Out) is what most people consider their true self but in reality it is only the software that interfaces with your five senses to create the individual personality. Your true self is the immortal spiritual being running the entire process and interfaces with the ego to experience third dimensional reality. However your mind tries to deny this interface to exert its control over the ego.

Denial is one of it not the most primitive of all human emotions and presents itself in two basic forms, fight or flight. When your mind perceives a physical threat it will trigger your ego to choose between the two best courses of action, fight or flight, to preserve your existence. When the mind is confronted with information that could be harmful to your sanity it also triggers the same emotions to preserve your paradigm and keep your ego intact.

The movie The Life of Pi is a perfect example of this, confronted with the stark reality of eating his friends to continue his existence, his mind creates a fantastic story in which he is a tiger trapped on a lifeboat with other animals. Because a tiger is a carnivore, he had no choice but to eat the other animals (his friends and own mother) to exist, this allowed his mind to accept the circumstances he found himself in and keep his sanity intact.

That is why so many people either completely deny new ideas, concepts and theories or argue against them, sometimes vehemently. Initially very few people consider any information that is contrary to their world view. It is a logical and reasonable reaction that has been conditioned into the way we are raised and educated.

However it is also the reason we often deny that our own behavior, thinking and actions are wrong. It is a self preservation mechanism to prevent our ego from recognizing the truth about ourselves.

Society, education and the way we are raised, conditions us to think, behave and believe a certain way and yet often our own desires, feelings and emotions can interfere with this paradigm, which creates confusion and jeopardizes the structure of our ego.

Denial is a way for our minds to protect the basic structure of our ego and to prevent us from contemplating our actions and recognizing the truth. This can lead us to repeat spiritual and physical destructive behavior over and over again, without realizing how it affects those that love and interact with us.

It also allows us to continue to believe information that maybe contradictory to common sense, facts and our current world paradigm. Because to even contemplate, let alone investigate and learn about information that is contrary to our world view could very well jeopardize our sanity.

This is the basic strategy behind conditioning, knowing that once a society believes a certain set of principles, concepts and ideas, they then can be manipulating into believing information that is contrary to their paradigm to preserve their ego's.

The first step in having a spiritual awakening begins by recognizing that we are in denial, social psychologist's call this Cognitive Dissonance. How we react to information that threatens to change our current world view or paradigm.

My own reaction was anger on almost every level, I just couldn't believe that I could be so stupid. It was very difficult for me to accept that I was a liar, a thief and cheater or that every concept, idea and belief that I held dear was fundamentally flawed.

Only by recognizing these character defects did I then have any chance of correcting my behavior and begin the process of spiritually awakening to the lies, deception and destructive behavior.

This lead me to a choice, continue down the similar path and keep my ego and current world view intact or try to learn something new, different and potentially emotionally painful. What is important to realize is even though one can have a spiritual awakening their individual personality or ego remains intact, with all its inherent defects of character and traits.

What changes is the way you perceive new information or old, how you process this information and ultimately what you choose to believe and retain. Basically your paradigm or world view changes and you become aware that the only thing you really have control over is this perception.

Recognizing this is the reason for 'choosing' the title to this article Spiritual Awakening and the Freedom to Choose!

Learning to trust your heart is a key element in the spiritual awakening process but takes practice. If you choose to develop this practice you will be amazed by the results.
Learning to trust your heart is a key element in the spiritual awakening process but takes practice. If you choose to develop this practice you will be amazed by the results. | Source

Spiritual Awakening

Your Heart

have you learned to 'think' with your heart?

See results

Spiritual Awakening

Needless to say I chose the latter and thus began my awakening on both a spiritual and educational level. Let me tell you it isn't for the weak hearted or anyone that can't find the courage to be honest with themselves. It is why so many alcoholics and drug addicts fail to stay sober, they just can't find the courage to be honest with themselves and prefer the easier road of denial.

Becoming sober has provided me with the clarity of mind to perceive the truth in a way I never dreamed possible. It has taken me on a spiritual path of enlightenment that grows more wondrous with each passing day.

Don't get me wrong now, the road to enlightenment is filled with many obstacles but they are not put there to prevent you from happiness but to teach you that you can overcome them. What was so encouraging for me was when I finally accepted that all of the questions that I sought were inside me all along. It made me realize that I need not rely on any one but myself for the information to set my soul free.

This lead me to develop a faith in a Power Greater Than Myself, one which I choose to call God or the Prime Creator of All. However let me be clear there is a big difference between what I call God and what the Christian faith describes as God.

My belief is that the Prime Creator, created all the known Universes and everything in it, including what most religions call God and Jesus. What I'm trying to describe is that there are many levels of Gods that work as upper management in the Universal high hierarchy. These upper management Gods rule over various sections of Galaxies creating lesser beings in their image as part of the continuous creation process.

My belief is that we are all one and pull all our thoughts from one Universal Mind or Source Field. This allows us to think as individuals because we have not accessed all the knowledge possible and are still creating our own version of reality. This is how we grow spiritually by accessing this knowledge and turning it into wisdom.

As we grow through spiritual wisdom, moving through the various life and death processes and eventually moving on to higher realms of spiritual existence we gather more and more of the understanding of creation and become the creators ourselves.

I believe humanity on this planet is in the beginning stages of a New Golden Age of prosperity, spiritual awakening and ultimately ascension to the next evolutionary step. So many humans are awakening to the true power that resides in each and everyone of us, that it can no longer be denied as anything more than a cosmic transition, designed by a Power Greater Than Ourselves to help us in this process.

Even though we create our own reality through our thought processes, we still must take the daily action to nurture the garden of our spirit. This takes action but can be in the form of daily meditation, seeking the truth through research and writing and treating other humans with dignity and respect while doing our best not to judge the differences in each other.

Spiritual Awakening and the Freedom to Choose is an attempt by this author to explain to my readers how I arrived on this path and where I hope it may lead.

Stairway To Heaven

Initially created as an illustration to the book The Stairway to Heaven by Zecharia Zitchin, I now use it as my avatar.
Initially created as an illustration to the book The Stairway to Heaven by Zecharia Zitchin, I now use it as my avatar. | Source

© 2014 somethgblue


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