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Get Off Your Knees and Cure Cancer

Updated on June 30, 2012

Wealth Care

Notice the Medical symbol is now done in gold and there is a reason for that, Wealth Care is a scam that sells itself.
Notice the Medical symbol is now done in gold and there is a reason for that, Wealth Care is a scam that sells itself. | Source

Wealth Care

I would like to share with my readers a page I recently read from the book I am reading by David Icke called the Human Race Get Off Your Knees, The Lion Sleeps No More. David is writing in chapter five about how the Fabian Society a front group for the Elite ruling class of this Planet. This Elite Ruling Class (Royal Families) has systematically gone about the manipulation of all societies for thousands of years, including suppressing the cure for cancer.

He is using a speech given by Dr. Richard Day who was the national medical director of Planned Parenthood and Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York in 1969 to the Pittsburgh Paediatric Society to an audience of about 80 doctors and writers.

During the speech Dr. Day asks his audience to turn off their tape recorders and stop taking notes so that he may indulge them with information regarding how the World's Ruling Class had designed a plan to control the planet, through deceit, control and manipulation. That American industry would be purposely sabotaged to allow this to happen.

What one may not know is that Planned Parenthood is nothing short of a creation of the Elite through the Rockefeller Institute to control the population through eugenics, ostensible to help mankind.

One doctor in particular, Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, did not turn his tape recorder off or stop taking notes and this is what he had to say about what was revealed.

Text in bold is Dr. Dunegan's words, while those in quotation marks are Ickes.

The plan was that different parts of the World would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce in a unified global system. The continued pre-eminence of the United States and the relative independence and self sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed . . . in order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that.

Each part of the World will have a specialty and thus become inter-dependent. The US will remain a center for agriculture, high tech, communications and education but heavy industry would be transported out.

"He went on to say that the plan was to 'cull' and control the population through the use of food, medicine and new laboratory made diseases and most importantly the suppression of the cure for cancer. Dr. Day revealed that almost every known kind of cancer can be cured right now and this information is right now sealed up in the Rockefeller Institute."

That curing cancer would not help control the population but in fact would be detrimental to society, further more the treatment of cancer will provide millions of jobs and create a whole new industry in its self.

Here are some more excerpts from the speech by Dr. Day, mind you that this was said in 1969 . . .

. . . limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating the elderly easier; medicine would be tightly controlled; elimination of private doctors; new difficult to diagnose and untreatable diseases; suppressing cancer cures for the use of population control; inducing heart attacks as a form of assassination; education as a tool for accelerating the onset of puberty and evolution; . . . some books would simple disappear from libraries; changing laws to promote moral and social chaos; the promotion of drug abuse to create a jungle type atmosphere in cities and towns; promote alcohol abuse; the creation of more jails; crime as a means of managing society; sports as a tool of social engineering and change; sex and violence inculcated through entertainment; implanted ID cards-microchips; food control; weather control; falsified scientific research; use of terrorism, surveillance, implants and televisions that watches you!

Dr. Day said that those unwilling to go along with the system would 'simple disappear' or be 'disposed of humanely'.

Did you know that the FBI has estimated that almost one million people simple disappear every year in America, ONE MILLION PEOPLE!

Are they being disposed of humanely or being used for medical research in the hundreds of Deep Underground Military Bases known as DUMB's.

Corruption and Greed

Did you know that the top ten Pharmaceutical companies make more money in one year than all the other fortune 500 companies combined.

Investigations into drug companies have found 1,000 % mark ups on the cost of ingredients.

Big Pharmaceutical companies spend more than 19 Billion dollars a year on bribing and influencing doctors to prescribe drugs that are actually killing people and at the very least targets the immune system.

19 billion dollars is more money than the US spends on disease prevention and education.

Get Off Your Knees people you are being raped by the very people entrusted to provide your Health Care.

What Do You Believe

Do you believe a cure for cancer has been suppressed?

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Cancer Sells Itself

Cancer sells itself but we are no closer to finding a cure than 100 years ago so why bother looking, because research is big business a cure is not.
Cancer sells itself but we are no closer to finding a cure than 100 years ago so why bother looking, because research is big business a cure is not. | Source

Vaccines and the Immune System

Homeopathic remedies were relatively inexpensive and available without a prescription. The prescription drug industry introduced a virtual monopoly for doctors and the Big Pharmaceutical Companies that make them by creating the prescription medicine protocol.

Considering that Homeopathic medicine and private doctors were the norm for many years when health care was affordable to all and that now that the AMA has taken over and shoved aside this practice to control the American Health Care System, which would your prefer?

The three leading causes of death in America are in order

1. Cancer

2. Heart Disease

3. Unnecessary Surgery, Incorrect Medication and Infection from Hospital stays.

How incredible insane is that, the third leading cause of death in America is from Doctors!

Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that the Merck painkiller, Vioxx, widely used by arthritis sufferers, may have contributed to 27,785 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths between 1999 and 2003. More people die from prescription painkillers, than heroin and cocaine abuses every year.

Now the big money maker in the United States is vaccines and some of them are mandatory. Most infants are giving up to 25 different vaccines before the age of two, while their immune systems haven't even developed yet.

So humans are becoming dependent on this system as their own immune systems are severely weakened by the time they reach adulthood.

Flu shots and vaccines are a way of weakening the human immune system and actually are more detrimental to human health.

I have never had a flu shot and I never get the flu or a cold and haven't missed a day of work in years from illness.

In recent years there has been a World wide effort by the very people entrusted in providing our Health Care in weakening the Human Immune System through vaccines, prescription medications and 'flu shots'.

Remember Dr. Day said in his speech in 1969 that

"We can cure almost every form of cancer right now, information is on file right now at the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided it should be released. You may as well die of cancer as something else."

Does anyone else think it is a coincidence that John D. Rockefeller died at the age of 97?

One in four people die from cancer in the United States alone, so the treatments are not getting better they are getting worse. People cancer like crack cocaine sells itself, it needs no promotion.

Ask yourselves right now how many people that you know have gone to the hospital for an illness and left with a diagnosis of cancer?

Here is the problem that concerns me if you have any money, the diagnosis is good and that it is treatable and are given a good chance of putting it into remission but if you don't it is not treatable and you are given six months to live, if that.

Remember Money Talks, BS Walks and make no mistake it is about money. There is no incentive to find a cure but a huge incentive to suppress a cure!

I can think of three incidences in my lifetime in which doctors or researcher have come up with a break through in cancer research or a cure and have either simple disappeared, been actually jailed or ridiculed and never heard from again.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini was actually jailed for three years in Italy for providing a cancer cure for his patients that had not been approved.

Dr. Rick Simpson from Canada had a 100% cure rate for cancer patients and was run out of his country for providing this cure free of charge, never to be heard from again.

Harry Hoxsey an American horse breeder created an all natural cure in 1840 but was labeled a quack and the information suppressed by the American Medical Association (AMA). By the way the AMA was established in 1847, coincidence?

Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist, spent 20 years tracking the cause of cancer, isolating the cause he termed the BX Virus, learning how it could be killed and testing it on terminally ill patients with great success and publishing his results in 1931. The AMA had these reports censored and hounded Rife into obscurity.

Gaston Naessens, a Canadian researcher developed a camphor derivative capable of reinforcing the human immune system to defeat cancer, AIDS and other incurable diseases. He was actually brought up on charges, after the AMA labeled him a quack, although acquitted his cure is banned and censored.

As Dr. Day predicted in 1969, cancer has become Big Business, from charity organizations, to cancer research, to treatment and medication, to medical schools and Health Insurance.

There has been a systematic War on the Human Immune System for decades in the form of chemical agents sprayed on vegetables and crops to treat for insects, food and drink additives, vaccinations, electromagnetic and microwave technology and frequencies and pharmaceutical prescription drugs all of which has been endorsed by the AMA.

Did you know that in a country that prides itself on the quality of living, that the Wealth Care system is the biggest business in our land. The Wealth Care system makes more money than all the illegal (tax free mind you) drug sales and firearms sales combined and yet is the THIRD leading cause of death in America!

Get Off Your Knees and Cure Cancer is just a quick look into the ongoing corruption and greed perpetrated on the American people by those we have entrusted to provide the Wealth Care system we all believe is in the business of helping us.

Run From The Cure


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