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Nibiru Planet X, May 11, 2013, Rising Sea Levels, Collapsing Buildings and Extreme Weather!

Updated on May 11, 2013

Volcanic Activity

Volcanic activity world wide is increasing and clouding the big picture of the Polar Shift.
Volcanic activity world wide is increasing and clouding the big picture of the Polar Shift. | Source

Rana Plaza Building Collapse

The collapse of the garment factory building in Bangladesh is being blamed on a crack in the foundation however what is not being said is how the crack got there in the first place. What has been left out of the media stories is that just three days before the building's collapse less than a 100 miles east a 4.7 earthquake rocked the region with many after shocks.

This is just the kind of pertinent information that is being left out of so many news stories related to the Polar Shift. Building collapses are just one of the many symptoms of tectonic plate movement.

4.7 Earthquake Near Bangladesh

Not one story in the media has reported the large earthquake reported less than a 100 miles from the building collapse.
Not one story in the media has reported the large earthquake reported less than a 100 miles from the building collapse. | Source

The most prevalent information available to the common man of the ongoing Polar Shift remains deciphering local and international news stories and determining what is not being said. This article Nibiru Planet X, May 11, 2013, Rising Sea Levels, Collapsing Buildings and Extreme Weather! will focus on the many stories now being revealed on the internet that provid the average man with all the proof they need to show that the Polar Shift is moving into high gear.

The weather in the United States alone would be all the proof anyone would need if it wasn't also the reason for so much confusion and disinformation. A recent article on Yahoo.News entitled Most Americans Blame Global Warming for Extreme Weather is a good example of how this tactic by those in control of our media use the internet to spread disinformation, while leaving out essential information.

The article offers statistical analysis through recently released studies and survey's to show what people believe are the reasons for extreme weather without revealing why these events are happening in the first place. Revealing that 50% of our population blames global warming for extreme weather does not address why global warming is taking place, now.

"Americans are continuing to connect the dots between climate change and extreme weather in the United States," said Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication. "They're associating climate change with some of the major events that we experienced last year, like the ongoing drought."

It is a good sign that American's are finally waking up and provides hope that the public will continue to look into our extreme weather for it's true causes but the story doesn't even ask the question as to why this is happening.

For those that have read my articles in the past you are already are aware of why this is happening, the Polar Shift due to the presence of Planet X (Nibiru) in our solar system. Due to Nibiru's magnetic presence, it is causing the Earth's core to heat up, creating warmer oceans, which in turn provides more C02 in our atmosphere. Because Planet X, a.k.a. Nibiru is so close it is also causing the Earth's Wobble to increase which is the direct cause of our extreme weather and the reason the Moon and the Sun seem to be out of place in our skies.

Because The Powers That Be, specifically the Reagan Administration, decided in 1983 to keep this information from the public, no announcement was made publicly when Nibiru Planet X entered up in our solar system in 2003. Initially this cover up was put into place on the pretense of 'National Security' an all too prevalent theme in today's society.

Once the public learns what to look for and how to decipher the 'News' it then becomes child's play to determine the true cause of building collapses, train derailments, land and mudslides, sinkholes, natural gas and other related industrial explosions. We can then determine new discoveries and events in space such as meteors, fireballs, comets and the reasons for our current agenda in space exploration.

Let's take a look at how the moving tectonic plates on this planet are affecting the public directly. Volcanic eruptions are becoming more common, people are noticing that the sea is encroaching along coastlines and now building collapses are becoming much more frequent. These three subjects are difficult to keep out of the 'News' however if the stories don't mention the cause it leaves it up to the reader to connect the dots and come to their own conclusions.

Armed with the information that Nibiru Planet X is the cause of all these events, we then can be much more aware of why these events are occurring and how they will affect us directly.

Four large Earthquakes in Oklahoma

A series of large earthquakes reported in Oklahoma not being related to the fertilizer explosion less than three hundred miles away.
A series of large earthquakes reported in Oklahoma not being related to the fertilizer explosion less than three hundred miles away. | Source

Four Large Earthquakes

Four large earthquakes 4.0 or higher on the richter scale rocked southern Oklahoma on April 16, 2013, two hundred miles away in Texas City, Texas on April 17, 2013 a fertilizer plant is rocked by a massive explosion which has puzzled investigators ever since, coincidence? Hardly!

When earthquakes strike they cause tremors that can be felt hundreds of miles away, all it takes is a very small tremor to shift gas lines, underground storage tanks and the foundation of buildings to cause a leak. Leaks from shifting, broken and cracked gas lines can go undetected for days even weeks and then suddenly it only takes a spark to ignite the built up fumes.

I submit to you that the reason investigators weeks later have been unable to determine the cause of the explosion is because they are being prevented from having or making the connection to the earthquake information prevalent in this country.

Almost all of the landslide, sinkholes, train derailments, road fractures, bridge collapses and flooding in America is directly related to shifting tectonic plates in nearby regions. But because making this connection might lead the average man from recognizing the danger inherent in tectonic plate movement from flooding coastlines to volcanic activity there has a been an all to real coverup of this information.

Building Collapses

While the garment factory building collapse in Savar, Bangladesh is certainly tragic, many of the stories concerning this awful event offer scant evidence to why this happened. Without a doubt poor construction is one of the main causes, these types of tragedies will only rise as the tectonic plates continue to move due to the ongoing Polar Shift.

Bangladesh is located in the Ring of Fire which is mow experiencing many volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes on a daily basis. Most of India and the surrounding countries will sink below the waves as ocean levels rise in this region of the world. Because many of these poorer countries have thousands of poorly constructed buildings and homes as we move closer and closer to the Pole Shift these buildings will suffer and those that live in them.

Now as the earthquakes and tremors are relatively mild, these countries will be overwhelmed with a growing number of refugees. Their economies will be unable to feed and clothe the growing numbers of refugees from flooding and earthquakes and sanitary living conditions will become a major concern leading to disease outbreaks.

As the list of major natural disasters grow, these countries and their neighbors will face the very real affects of their infrastructures breaking down and transportation becoming problematic. While researching this article Nibiru Planet X, May 11, 2013, Rising Sea Levels, Collapsing Buildings and Extreme Weather! I found that literally dozens of buildings have collapsed all over the world in the last few months, here are just a few.

Just like the fact that natural gas explosions have increased dramatically so to have building collapses, train derailments, sinkholes, bridge collapses and landslides. The media will often focus their attention on just one major event to distract the public from the all too 'other' numerous events happening world wide.

The disinformation on topics such as sea levels rising and building collapsing serve to keep the public unaware of how tectonic plates create most of the natural disasters facing mankind today.

Encroaching Sea Levels

Photos such as this one show that rising sea levels have encroached on coastlines in our past.
Photos such as this one show that rising sea levels have encroached on coastlines in our past. | Source

increase In Volcanic Activity

The increase in volcanic activity is often over shadowed by sensationalism and disinformation, this is how the Mainstream Media distracts the public from the real issues that are being clouded by this tactic.

The fact that over 100 volcanoes are now active on the surface of the Earth is rarely reported, let alone the over 3,000 active volcanoes on the bottom of our oceans. By reporting volcanic activity only when it kills people or displaces them, serves to keep the public in the dark as to the stark reality that volcanic activity is on the rise.

Again this is due to the moving tectonic plates of the Earth due to Nibiru Planet X's more powerful magnetic presence in our solar system, causing the increased Earth Wobble. I don't mean to belabor the point but all of the natural disasters that mankind is facing at this time can be directly related to this planet, that goes unacknowledged by our Mainstream Media.

This is why the coverup of this planet has been strictly enforced, because it is causing everything that is happening in our world directly or un-directly, including the politics of this planet. Scientist, astronomers, politicians, geologists and even the news media have been systematically denied the ability to report this information and many have been threatened or worse when trying to expose Nibiru Planet X to the world.

Undersea Eruptions

Because undersea volcanoes are rarely seen they often go widely under reported.
Because undersea volcanoes are rarely seen they often go widely under reported. | Source

Rising Sea Levels

A recent article about rising sea levels in South Carolina show the results of the encroaching sea in terms of dying vegetation and trees. While the report concentrates on statistics it does little to explain the impacts on those living in the area. Salt water not only kills forests but also makes regions unlivable by taking away valuable farming areas and turns towns into marshes.

What many of the stories about rising sea levels fails to report is that tectonic plate movement is lowering the land as the sea rises. Scientist have long predicted that sea levels globally would rise and have been rising for the last century. Already many island nations in the Caribbean are sinking twice as fast as scientific models predicted they would.

What most people don't understand and what is not being revealed in story after story is that, as sea levels rise, rivers can no longer dump their daily volumes of water into the ocean. This begins a slow back flow of water barely perceptible by those that live on river deltas (500 million people). As the water flow in rivers backup, it causes all its tributaries to backup as well. Then any rainstorm will create the potential for flooding, often hundreds of miles from the mouth of the river. Because floods are now happening in parts of the world unaccustomed to them, it becomes much easier for local and national news agencies to confuse the public and distort the reasons for them.

Because of our changing weather and extreme thunderstorms ground saturation becomes a real issue. When the ground becomes saturated with water and can no longer absorb any significant rainfall it begins to pool on the surface, building until it can run downhill, this can lead to flash flooding.

Because tectonic plate movement is gradual most people can't see the results of stretching land in some areas while building up of the land in other regions. Using common sense we can get a better grasp of how tectonic plate movement is contributing to flooding globally. Water runs downhill and will move to the lowest areas of any region, this is how rivers form. Erosion in regions near rivers create underground caverns and weakens the Earth's crust in those areas. When earthquakes and tectonic plate movement occurs in these regions sometimes the lower land descends in elevation and sometimes it ascends.

If the elevation ascends it pushes the water over the banks of rivers and lakes, spreading the water out and creating flooding, if it descends, the water level drops and moves away from its banks, such as is happening in the Great Lakes of upper Michigan.

Tectonic plate movement is contributing to many of the flooding problems world wide, by lowering coastlines as sea levels rise. However as the Earth's seasons begin to merge due to the increased Earth Wobble from Nibiru Planet X, they create storms at different times of the year which are also contributing to the world wide flooding. Because the News Media is not making this connection, many people are confused by the contradicting information.

A recent story on the internet shows how sensationalism works to spread disinformation, entitled Amazing Lost 'Atlantis' Survives Beneath English Sea. The story claims that a recently discovered city as large as the modern City of London was actually swept out to sea.

"Major storms beginning in the 1200s swept the city out to sea and silted up the Dunwich River, choking off the Dunwich harbor."

While the writer sensationizes the story, what this really shows is that coastlines have descended in our past as sea levels have risen and will continue to do so. I dare say 'global warming' was not an issue in the 1200s when this large city was 'swept out to sea'.

Rising Ocean Levels

Rising sea levels will only increase as the tectonic plates continue.
Rising sea levels will only increase as the tectonic plates continue. | Source


While the Mainstream Media continues to coverup the fact that Nibiru Planet X is causing all the natural disasters on the planet Earth at this time, the common man does have the ability to learn to read between the lies to discover how our world is changing.

Armed with the certain knowledge that this unseen planet is causing havoc on our planet as well as the other planets in our solar system, mankind can learn to decipher the 'News' regardless of disinformation and censorship.

Hopefully this article Nibiru Planet X, May 11, 2013, Rising Sea Levels, Collapsing Buildings and Extreme Weather! has helped to clear the clouded issue on how the increased Earth Wobble due to the presence of Nibiru Planet X is affecting our planet.


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